Bird pets are wonderful and entertaining companions. If you care about your feathery friend’s well-being,...
There are a lot of factors to consider when compiling a list of toxic foods...
Briefly, yes, birds can eat oats, and they are a nutritious and safe food option...
In summary: Yes, birds can eat plain, air-popped popcorn without any additional seasonings or fats...
Having a pet bird is a source of great joy for many people. Many pet...
There are many good reasons to keep a bird as a pet. Birds are pretty,...
Cats are natural hunters, while birds are natural prey. If these two types of pets...
In short, yes, parrots can eat pistachios, but they should be given in moderation, without...
Bird owners (or anybody interested in birds) would do well to familiarise themselves with the...
Perhaps you’re curious about “Can parrots eat asparagus?” There is no need to continue your...
In summary: No, birds should generally not drink milk. Most birds cannot handle lactose, which...
For bird lovers and keepers, cockatiels are a top pick. Cockatiels make excellent household pets...