As a cat owner, can you confidently answer, “Can cats eat apples?” You may wonder if apples are healthy for your cat, even though cats are obligate carnivores and therefore don’t need fruits. So in this research from the Canvas Personalized Blog, we will investigate this intriguing issue and provide the answers you’ve sought.
Can Cats Eat Apples?

“Can Cats Eat Apples?” The answer is yes. However, in tiny amounts, the flesh of an apple is safe for cats to eat on occasion, but cats do not require apple consumption as part of their daily diet.
Indeed, cats aren’t supposed to eat fruit, so don’t try to force any on them. Too much sugar (including the natural sugar in fruit!) in a carnivorous animal’s diet might lead to gastrointestinal or diabetic complications. According to Scientific American, cats’ lack of sweet taste receptors relates to their naturally carnivorous diets. Therefore, they won’t be too interested in sweet foods, even apples.
If you let cats eat apples, ensure it doesn’t get into the seeds! Yet, the cyanide in the apple seeds can be fatal to cats. Ultimately, it’s best to avoid giving your cat a lot of apples, especially if it will be a meal substitute.
The Health Benefits Of Cats Eat Apples
You can let your cats eat apples properly if you give them small amounts. Like humans, nutritionists prescribe apples to stave off hunger pangs, especially in their whole fruit form. According to a reliable study of consuming fruits, people would prefer to eat raw fruits (as opposed to fruit juices or purees) because they feel fuller and more satisfied than those who eat fruit portions. In the same way, apples improve human health by containing antioxidants; they can do the same for your cat.
It contains several vitamins and minerals

If you wonder, “Can cats have apples?” Apples have many of the same health benefits for people as cats, including a robust immune system, sturdy bones, and healthy veins and arteries. However, cats may be unable to digest them completely. Apples include a variety of nutrients, such as:
- Calcium
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
- Soluble fiber
- Phytonutrients
- B-vitamins
- Vitamin A
Aids a cat’s digestion

Cats eat apples, which may not be ideal due to the length of the intestinal tube, but their soluble fiber helps improve regularity and stool texture. Moreover, it helps with both constipation and diarrhea by adding bulk to the feces. It’s worth noting that the fiber and pectin in apple peel, in excess, can also induce gastrointestinal distress. This is why it’s important to restrict how much food a cat receives.
Helps prevent dehydration

Many domestic cats eat dry cat food, even though this is not how cats would eat in the wild. This can lead to the cat’s diet lacking sufficient moisture and health problems. Apples have a lot of water in them (86%, to be exact). Cats eat apples, which can help them stay hydrated in addition to drinking from their water bowl, relieving their discomfort and protecting them from potential harm.
Help your cats slay boredom

Cats are known for being restless and lively because their minds are always wondering about new things. Apples can be helpful because they taste and feel different and are a fun new toy with a pleasant smell. When combined with a treat toy or puzzle game, an apple can be a great way to keep your little tiger occupied and prevent destructive and aggressive behavior.
Are Apples Good For Cats?

To be honest, not really. As previously demonstrated, cats are obligate carnivores who can obtain everything from premium feline diets containing animal products. Therefore, there’s no point in feeding them fruit like apples. While apples are nutritious for humans, they can be dangerous for cats if not prepared properly.
Cats may safely eat apples, but the leaves, stems, and seeds are harmful to them due to the cyanide. When eaten, this substance releases cyanide, a poison that can cause organ failure and death. Yet, it produces so little cyanide that a person must eat between 83 and 500 apple seeds before they become poisoned. As a result, you and your cat should stay away from the seeds and the rest of the plant.

In addition, a study with cats investigated the digestion of dried apple pomace. Apple cider, apple juice, and vinegar production all yield a byproduct called dried apple pomace. This study suggests that feeding your cat entire apples may make it more difficult for them to digest the protein in their meal, as the pomace from the apples is dried and then added to the diet.
In addition, cats shouldn’t be given apples because they contain a lot of natural sugars and are bad for overweight cats and cats with diabetes. Due to the high fiber content of apples, if cats eat apples too much, they might have stomach problems.
How Can Cats Have Apples Safely?
To answer the question “How can cats eat apples safely?” a recommended serving of one whole peeled or cooked apple without any sugar, spices, stems, seeds, or core is 1 to 3 teaspoons once or twice a week. If you want to let your cats eat apples but are worried about gastrointestinal side effects, try giving them 1 teaspoon of mashed fruit and seeing how they react.
For adult cats, the best way to serve apples is in the form of unsweetened applesauce, either store-bought or homemade, or in tiny cubes of apple flesh. Giving them a small amount of apple juice (1-2 tablespoons) a few times a week probably won’t hurt them, but it may affect their blood sugar and weight.

If you want to see “How can cats eat apples?” you should prepare a little portion and serve it to them. It’s best to peel the apple before feeding it to your cat, as the fiber in the skin might cause gas and bloating. The apple must be cut into little pieces to prevent swallowing. Remember that too much apple might cause gastrointestinal discomfort in cats, so only give them a tiny amount at a time.
Can a cat eat an apple? That’s a question you can now answer with confidence. Don’t force your cat to eat apples if it doesn’t like them. Most felines prefer to eat delectable cat snacks rather than apples. Ensure your cat’s complete and balanced food makes up at least 90% of their daily diet, and limit treat consumption to 10%.
Consider some essential recommendations from the Clinical Nutrition Service before you let your cats eat apples:

In many households, apples are a must-have fruit. Next time you’re snacking on this nutritious fruit and your cat seems interested, feel free to share a bite with them. First, give the apple a good washing under running water, and then cut it into bite-sized pieces that your cat can easily handle. Kibble size can be a rough guide for how big a toy you should make for your cat. Keep your cat away from the apple’s core, leaves, and seeds. The peel shouldn’t be dangerous, but it may make the fruit simpler for your cat to digest if you remove it.
If your cat begins exhibiting disease symptoms, you’ll better know where to start looking for answers. It’s essential to consult a professional if you suspect an allergic reaction in your cat after feeding it an apple.
“Can cats eat apples?” The answer is yes, but you shouldn’t feed them to your cat very often. Cats do not require apples for nutrition; too much might cause stomach problems. Before giving your cat any new food, you should check with your vet to be sure it is healthy for cats to eat. Follow our Canvas Personalized Blog to learn about healthy foods to feed your cat safely.