Apples are one of the most widely consumed fruits yearly, but are apples good for dogs? In a nutshell, yes, apples are good for dogs. Numerous positive effects on your dog’s health have been linked to this low-calorie fruit. Your dog’s teeth can be cleaned, and his breath freshened simply by giving it an apple slice. While apples are healthy, consuming too many at once may cause an upset stomach. In this Canvas Personalized‘s article, we’ll discuss whether or not apples are harmful to dogs and offer advice on how to give apples to your pet safely.
1. Why Are Apples Good For Dogs?

Many studies prove that apples are good for dogs since they have several nutritional benefits. Many essential nutrients, including:
- Vitamin C: This nutrient can help lower your dog’s inflammatory levels and boost his brain power.
- Vitamin A: This nutrient is essential for your dog’s vision, skin, and hair.
- Fiber: Fiber promotes healthy digestion and maintains your dog’s weight. Also, high-fiber foods can help diabetic dogs control their blood sugar levels.
- Calcium: Like humans, dogs need calcium to keep their teeth and bones healthy and for their blood to clot properly.
- Phosphorus: Much like calcium, phosphorus supports the health and maintenance of your pet’s teeth and bones.
- Antioxidants: Antioxidants protect your dog’s cells from oxidative stress, which helps it fight off dangerous diseases like cancer and bone disease.
2. How Much Apple Can A Dog Eat?

Although your dog may like the satisfying crunch of an apple, you shouldn’t feed it too many. Apples are good for dogs, but giving them too many at once might cause stomach pain or diarrhea. Your dog will be satisfied with just one or two apple slices. Keep an eye on them to ensure they don’t experience an allergic response. Check to see if they have any stomach aches. Don’t feed your dog apples if they show strange symptoms; seek veterinary care if symptoms persist.
3. How to Safely Prepare Apples for Dogs

If you want to reward your dog, don’t give them a large apple. Always cut the apple into bite-sized pieces before feeding it to your dog since entire apples or large portions can be a choking hazard. If you want to feed your dog an apple, here’s how:
- Firstly, make sure the apple is cleaned by washing it well beforehand. The insecticides and herbicides on apple skin can pose health risks.
- Secondly, if you want to make the apple easier for your dog to digest, peel it beforehand. Then, remove all of the apple’s seeds after coring it.
- Finally, feed your dog apple chunks or slices cut from an apple.
This is a nice idea for those who want to give their dog an apple as a snack. Apples are a great source of fiber and vitamins, and you can purchase dog food that includes them if you want to give your pet the benefits of apples every day.
4. Dog Recipe with Apples
Risp-roasted Apple Chips or Apple Cookies For Dogs

Thinly sliced (and cored) apples can be baked for two hours at 200 degrees Fahrenheit to make delightfully crisp roasted apple chips for dogs. You might also try making peanut butter and apple cookies for your dog. Mix 2/3 cup of unsweetened applesauce with 1/2 cup of peanut butter and 2 eggs into 4 cups of crushed oat flour. After cutting them out, bake the cookies for 20 to 25 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Frozen Apples

Feed frozen apples to your dog. If you’re worried about your dog experiencing side effects like constipation or stomach discomfort, it’s best to start with a low dose and gradually increase it.
Apple Dog Treats

Dog treats that include apples are another good option. Pumpkin, chicken, and apple snacks, or apple, cheese, and cinnamon treats, are two tasty flavors you can use to entice your pet.
Applesauce For Dogs

Applesauce is a healthy treat for your dog, but it contains no extra sugar. Apples should be the only ingredient. No artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners, including xylitol (birch sugar).
Apple Smoothie
You can combine them with other fruits to make a healthy smoothie. Before giving your dog an apple smoothie, make sure you know everything there is to know about each fruit.
Although apples are good for dogs, don’t forget that your dog’s main source of nutrients should be dog food. Your dog should not consume more than 10 percent of its daily calories from treats. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, they can encounter issues if your dog consumes an apple pie containing nutmeg and the toxin myristicin. Nutmeg may induce mild gastrointestinal upset if consumed in large quantities. It can result in convulsions, hypertension, and hallucinations in high doses.
>>> Further reading: Best 20+ Healthy Foods For Dogs You Can Find In The Kitchen
5. Are There Any Apples That Dogs Should Not Eat?
Some varieties of apples might be harmful to dogs. Apples, pears, and cherries are all in this category. Dogs should avoid eating these apples since they have a higher cyanide content than other varieties. Do not feed your dog an entire apple when you share it with them. Never give your pet a whole piece of human food.
6. Symptoms of Apple Poisoning in Dogs

Your dog may be allergic to apples, just like any other food. While most dogs only experience mild discomfort from apple allergies, anaphylaxis can be fatal in rare cases. The following are some signs of an allergic reaction:
- Sneezing
- Swelling
- Hives
- Breathing problems
- Coughing
Stop feeding the fruit to your dog immediately if you observe any signs of an allergic reaction, and consult your veterinarian for further guidance. Do not feed your dog any more treats or foods that include this fruit. However, it’s worth noting that apple allergies are much less common than chicken allergies.
>>> Read more: Can Dogs Eat Brown Sugar? The Best Answer In 2023
7. Can Dogs Eat Apple Cores?
No, dogs shouldn’t consume apple cores. They include apple seeds, which can harm dogs because they risk choking. Don’t regularly give whole apples; a minor quantity of cyanide can be found in the seeds, as in Tina Wismer, DVM, DABVT, and DABT.
8. Can Dogs Eat Apple Skin?
Apple skin is harmless to your dog, but it’s not a good idea because it can lead to stomach upset. A few apple slices with the peel on are fine, but your dog’s digestive system (and your carpet) will thank you if you remove the peel before feeding it to your dog.
9. Can Dogs Eat Apple Seeds?
Due to the presence of cyanide, apple seeds should not be ingested. Although negative signs may appear when dogs consume a lot of apple seeds, keeping them out of their reach is still advised.
10. Are Green Apples Good For Dogs?
Yes. Green apples are good for dogs. Green apples are a great source of vitamins and assist in maintaining healthy teeth and fresh breath throughout the day. Knowing how amazing apples can be, many people include them in dental sticks and nutritious dog bites.
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Overall, apples are good for dogs to eat when served in moderation and cooked properly, and they can add nutritional value to your dog’s diet. Your dog’s health can benefit from the vitamins, minerals, and fiber they provide. You should remove the seeds and the core and watch for any unpleasant responses in your dog. Never make drastic changes to your dog’s diet without first discussing it with your vet, and keep in mind that no one food should ever replace a balanced and carefully prepared dog food. Overall, apples are fine in moderation as a treat for your pet friend.