You’ve probably read that some varieties of mushrooms can be harmful to human health. Therefore, as a dog owner, you may be curious as to whether or not your dog can eat mushrooms and, if so, which kind. Not all mushrooms are safe for your dog to consume. As a result, you need to be aware of which varieties of mushrooms your dog can and cannot consume. Everything you need to know about the topic “Are mushrooms good for dogs?” will be covered in this Personalized Canvas article. The answer is totally dependent on the type of mushroom.
1. Are Mushrooms Good For Dogs?

Just like humans, some mushrooms are good for dogs to eat, while others can be quite dangerous. Mushrooms from the grocery store, especially organic, unseasoned, and uncooked ones, are healthy for dogs. However, wild mushrooms should never be eaten.
Mushrooms are beneficial for canine immunity and general well-being. Mushrooms include a plethora of beneficial components, such as vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamins A, C, and B, riboflavin, potassium, niacin, pantothenic acid, ergothioneine, and glutathione can be found in many mushroom species. Adding mushrooms to your dog’s normal diet is a great idea.
Given their diversity and difficulty distinguishing among them, it’s best to avoid eating wild mushrooms out of an abundance of caution; many are highly toxic. If you find any wild mushrooms sprouting in your yard, remove them immediately.
2. Which Wild Mushrooms Are Dangerous to Dogs?

Wild mushrooms are bad for dogs. Some examples of mushrooms that are toxic to dogs are:
- The Death Cap, or Amanita phalloides
- The Autumn Gallina, or Galerina marginata
- The Jeweled Deathcap, or Amanita gemmata
- The Fly Agaric, or Amanita muscaria
- Species of Gyromitra (False Morels)
- (Elf’s Saddle) Helvella lacunosa
- The Ivory Funnel, or Clitocybe dealbata
- Species of Inocybe
Sometimes, it’s hard to tell which mushrooms are safe or poisonous. So, it’s best to consider eating any kind of wild mushroom as a veterinary emergency and assume that they’re all poisonous.
Dogs use their sense of smell and taste to investigate their surroundings, and the mushroom’s unique texture may pique the interest of a curious pooch. To make matters worse, Amanita phalloides (death cap) and Inocybe spp., two highly poisonous mushrooms, have a distinct fishy odor.
Every dog owner knows that dogs strongly prefer fishy aromas, which may help explain why pets frequently eat these deadly mushroom species.
Veterinarians advise clients to bring their dogs in for treatment rather than trying to identify the mushroom on their own since even experienced mushroom foragers might make mistakes in identification.
3. What Mushrooms Are Good For Dogs?

To make sure there are no toxins in the mushrooms you give your dog, look for organic varieties sold at pet stores. Here are a few supermarket mushrooms that are safe for pets:
- White button
- The white or chestnut Cremini mushrooms.
- Portobello
- Porcini
- Reishi
- Shiitake
- Maitake
4. If Your Dog Eats A Toxic Mushroom, What Will Happen To It?

The signs of mushroom poisoning in your dog will vary depending on the type of mushroom he ate and how much of it he ate. Your dog’s digestive distress could range from minor to severe, and your veterinarian might be unable to save him. But the sooner you take him to the vet, the higher his chances of recovery. Your dog may not display symptoms of mushroom poisoning for up to 12 hours, so don’t wait until it’s too late.
Symptoms of mushroom toxicity that are most often observed include:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Drooling
- Teary
- Weakness
- Drowsy-looking stumbling (or ataxia)
- Lethargy
- Skin or eye yellowing (jaundice)
- Hurting belly
If your dog has eaten a mushroom and is showing any of these symptoms, you should take him to the vet along with the mushroom (or a photo). Your vet will do blood and urine tests to ensure the least amount of organ damage from the mushroom toxins. Your veterinarian may administer activated charcoal or induce vomiting to prevent the toxin from entering your dog’s bloodstream.
>>> Read more: Best 20+ Healthy Foods For Dogs You Can Find In The Kitchen
5. What Are the Best Ways to Feed Your Dog Mushrooms?
5.1. Cooking Mushrooms For Dogs

Step 1: Dogs should eat only fresh, organic mushrooms bought from a store. Then, clean the mushrooms before adding them to your dog’s dinner. Mushrooms may be cleaned quickly and easily by rinsing them in cold water and then drying them thoroughly with a paper towel.
Step 2: Slice or chop the mushrooms, then sauté them in a small amount of dog-safe cooking oil, such as olive oil, in a skillet on the stove. While salt and other seasonings aren’t necessary, low-sodium chicken or beef broth can be added to the pan of mushrooms in the final minutes of cooking to bring out their natural umami flavor. As they continue to sauté, the mushrooms will absorb the liquid.
The thing to notice is that the mushrooms can be served separately after cooling or added to your dog’s normal diet. Mushrooms are a delight for your dog, but as with any treat, they should be used in moderation. The nutritional balance of your dog’s usual dog food can be thrown off by feeding too many mushrooms (or any other meal, for that matter—less than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake).
5.2. Serve Canned Mushrooms

Canned mushrooms are good for dogs consumption. Your dog can safely eat them without additional ingredients besides water. Although dried mushrooms lack the water content of fresh mushrooms, they nonetheless provide certain health benefits. It’s important to check that the dried mushrooms aren’t seasoned with salts or spices.
6. How Can I Prevent My Dog From Consuming Mushrooms?

Preventing dogs from eating mushrooms can be done in a few different ways:
- Staying away from hot and humid forests
- In potentially dangerous areas, always have your dog leashed.
- If your dog tends to scavenge on walks, you may want to equip him with a basket muzzle.
- Getting rid of any stray mushrooms
- Instructing your dog on the ‘drop’ or ‘leave’ command will guarantee that they will obey your request for them to do so.
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As long as they are bought at the supermarket, mushrooms are good for dogs to eat. Keep your dog away from any wild mushrooms you find in your yard or on the grass beside the road. Talk to your vet first before giving your dog any table scraps. After consulting with your veterinarian, incorporate the food into your dog’s diet. So, before giving your dog any mushrooms, ensure they’re okay with your vet.